Education &Professional Experiences

Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2020-present)

Associate Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2014-2020)

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2010-2014)

Ph.D.(Dr. jur.), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany (2007-2010)

LL.M., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany (2005-2007)

Master of Arts, National Chung Cheng University (2002-2004)

Bachelor of Law, National Chung Cheng University (1998-2002)

Research Fields

Constitutional Law

Administrative Law

Information Law

Police Law


Education &Professional Experiences

Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2020-present)

Associate Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2014-2020)

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Chinese Culture University (2010-2014)

Ph.D.(Dr. jur.), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany (2007-2010)

LL.M., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany (2005-2007)

Master of Arts, National Chung Cheng University (2002-2004)

Bachelor of Law, National Chung Cheng University (1998-2002)

Research Fields

Constitutional Law

Administrative Law

Information Law

Police Law


Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2011). Das Verbraucherinformationsgesetz aus der Sicht des Rechts auf Zugang zu Verbraucherinformationen, Eine Untersuchung mit Vergleich der entsprechenden Rechtsnormen in Taiwan, Münster: LIT Verlag.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2007). Die hergebrachten Grundsätze des Berufsbeamtentums und die Koalitionsfreiheit der Beamten, Magisterarbeit der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2005). A Study on the Relations between the Protection of Fundamental Rights of Labors and Labor Administrative Organizationsfrom the Theory of ”Protect the Fundamental Rights through Organizations”, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan: Chiayi.



Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2011). Das Verbraucherinformationsgesetz aus der Sicht des Rechts auf Zugang zu Verbraucherinformationen, Eine Untersuchung mit Vergleich der entsprechenden Rechtsnormen in Taiwan, Germany: LIT-Verlag. ISBN:978-3-643-11188-3.


Book Chapters

Li, C., Shiu, Y., Lee, N., Chen, J., Lee, S., Tsai, T., Tsai, C. (2022). Commentary on the Immigration Act. Wu-Nan Book Inc. ISBN:978-626-343-316-8.

Li, C., Huang, C., Lee, S., Lee, N., Chen, J., Shiu, Y. (2020). Commentary on the Assembly and Parade Act. Wu-Nan Book Inc. ISBN:978-986-522-062-4.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu(2019), Preliminary Study on the Legal Scheme Regarding Access to the National Health Insurance Database: Focusing on the Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data, in Chi, Chen-Ching, 2017 Industrial Development and Legal System Amendment (Department of Law in National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, 2019:225-262.) .ISBN:978-986-05-8883-5.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu(2018), Models for Administrative Regulation of Food Safety Crises: Comparing the Institutions of Germany and Taiwan, in Lee, Chien-Liang, 2015 Administrative Regulation and Judicial Remedies Strategies and Practices of Food Safety Law(Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2018:137-190. ) ISBN:978-986-05-7105-9.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu(2015), General Principles and Practices of European Union Food Law: Setting off from Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002,in Chen, Chwen-Wen & Horng, Der-Chin , The EU Law: Principles and Practices(Vol.2)( National Taiwan University Press, Taipei, 2015) . ISBN: 978-986-350-076-6.

Journal Articles

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Reexaming the Administrative Regulatory Model in the Assembly and Parade Act: Centered on Occasional and Emergent Assembly and Parade, THE MILITARY LAW JOURNAL, 69, 3, (2023):13-34.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Preventative Process of Personal Information Based on the Purpose of Protection Against Epidemic Taking the Operation of Conduct Name Registration as an Example, PUBLIC LAW, 1, (2022):113-152.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, A Preliminary Study on the Regulation of Driving under the Influence Punishments for Active Service Men: Focusing on the Application of Armed Forces Punishment Act, THE MILITARY LAW JOURNAL, 67, 6, (2021):41-61.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Analysis of the Reasonable Use of Personal Data Mode: Using the Application of Health Data in Academic Research as an Example, NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, 49, 1, (2020):1-50.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, The Authority of Police to Access Precautionary Data and Personal Data Protection: Using the Operation Mode of Surveillance Camera as an Example, NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, 48, 2, (2019):391-437.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Distribution of Central and Local Legislative Power and its Dispute—Using Food Safety Regulation as Example, LAW JOURNAL, 63, 4, (2018):1-24.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, The Reform and Envision of the Parliament’s Investigation Power, CHENGCHI LAW REVIEW, 154, (2018):83-149.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, A Discussion on the Legal Boundaries and Limits of the Regulation of Election Survey During an Election Period, TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 54, (2018):55-98.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, A Study on Regulatory Schemes Governing Consumption Information Disclosure—Based on German Consumer Information Act, EurAmerica, 46, 4, (2016):501-561.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, The Transformation of Food Administration Regulation Model under Risk Society: Using Administrative Authority’s “Off-shelves Precautionary Measure” as Example, NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, 45, 2, (2016):455-499. DOI:10.6199/NTULJ.2016.45.02.02

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Constitutional Boundaries of State’s Data Collection in Assembly and Parade: Using German Federal Constitutional Court’s Decision on Temporary and Partial Suspension of Bavarian Assembly Act as Reflection, SOOCHOW LAW REVIEW, 27, 3, (2016):151-186.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Constitutional Boundary on Preventive Retention of Communication Data: Taking the Development of 2006/24/EC Directive as Example, Chung-Hsing UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 17, (2015):87-140.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Laws and Practices of Authory’s Voluntary Publication of Consumer Information- Examination of Consumer Information Publication Law in Taiwan from the Perspective of the Judgment C-636/11 of the European Court of Justice, SOOCHOW LAW REVIEW, 26, 2, (2014):35-66.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, A Constitutional Proportion Principle Examination of the Revocation to all types of Driver’s Licenses for simply refusing Alcohol Concentration Test in Road Traffic Management and Punishment Act-Comments and Analysis of the J.Y. Interpretation No. 69, TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW,40, (2013):1-35.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Discussion of Legal Contents and the Construction of Food Safety Alert System in Eu and Germany, Chung-Hsing UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 13(2013):1-46.

Scholler, Heinrich & Lee, Ning-Hsiu, Da proteção dos direitos fundamentais por meio da garantia da liberdade de informação (Der Grundrechtsschutz durch die Garantie der Informationsfreiheit), Direitos Fundamentais & Justiça, 18, (2012):13-21. (übersetzt von Prof. Marcos Maliska )

Lee, Ning-Hsiu, A Study on the Right of Access to Consumer Information from the Constitutional Aspect, THE CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW, 38, 2, (2012): 215-244.

Research Projects

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2021-2025). A Research on the Exercise of Police Power and Personal Data Protection - a Comparative Analysis between the Regulations of EU, Germany, and Taiwan (MOST 110-2423-H-034-001-MY4). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2022-2023). Forming Regulatory Infrastructure for Humanities by Design AI (NSTC 111-2634-F-002-019). Taipei: Taiwan. National Science and Technology Council. co-PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2021-2022). Forming Regulatory Infrastructure for Humanities by Design AI (MOST 110-2634-F-002-024). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. co-PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2020-2021). Forming Regulatory Infrastructure for Humanities by Design AI (MOST 109-2634-F-002-046). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. co-PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2018-2021). A Research on the Legal Framework of the Proper Use of Personal Information: While Exploring the Protection of the Right of Information Privacy Model (MOST 107-2628-H-034-001-MY3). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2016-2019). A Study on Personal Information Protection Act and Big Data: Social Needs, Public Interest, and Personal Information Protection (MOST 105-2627-M-002-042, MOST 106-2627-M-002-023, MOST 107-2627-M-002-010). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. Subproject co-PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2016-2018). Study on Parliament Information Behavior: The Reform and Envision of Legislative Investigation Power and Parliamentary Information Disclosure (MOST 105-2410-H-034-008-MY2). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2015-2016). The Balance between Freedom and Security: Research on the Law and Theory of Precautionary Intervention Administration from the State (MOST 104-2410-H-034-007). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2014-2015). Research on Information Collection in Assembly and Procession and Personal Information Protection – Use German Relevant Law System as a Model (MOST 103-2410-H-034-006). Taipei: Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology. PI.

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2013-2014). A Research on the Information Supervision Institution in Germany – A Feasibility Study for the Application in Taiwan (NSC 102-2410-H-034-014). Taipei: Taiwan. National Science Council. PI

Lee, Ning-Hsiu (2011-2012). The application of the precautionary principle in the food safety regulations (NSC 100-2410-H-034-054). Taipei: Taiwan. National Science Council. PI.


National Science and Technology Council Subsidy for College and University Research Rewarding (2022)

Chinese Culture University– Distinguished Teaching Award (2022)

Chinese Culture University Academic Research Reward, Awarded Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project Grant for Three Consecutive Years (2021)

Ministry of Science and Technology Subsidy for College and University Research Rewarding (2021)

Ministry of Science and Technology Subsidy for College and University Research Rewarding (2020)

Chinese Culture University – Outstanding Graduate Student Mentoring Award (2019)

Ministry of Science and Technology, Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2019)

Chinese Culture University Academic Research Reward, Awarded Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project Grant for Three Consecutive Years (2019)

Chinese Culture University Academic Research Reward, Research Thesis Award (2019)

Ministry of Science and Technology, Outstanding Young Scholar Project (2018)

Chinese Culture University Academic Research Reward, Awarded Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project Grant for Three Consecutive Years (2018)

Chinese Culture University Department of Law – Distinguished Teaching Award (2017)

Chinese Culture University Academic Research Reward, Research Thesis Award (2016)