個人簡介 |
許惠峰律師於1994年加入台北律師公會及成為專利代理人,並於1997年起擔任中華民國商務仲裁人,先後任職於台北及總部在瑞士的跨國法律事務所,並曾擔任美國密蘇里州上訴法院Kathianne KnaupCrane 法官的實習助理,具有多年國內外的法律專業律師資歷,於取得美國聖路易華盛頓大學法學博士(J.S.D.)後,同時任職於中國文化大學教授民法、民事訴訟法、國際私法及法律經濟分析等主要科目,並於智財保護、公司投資、商務契約、跨國貿易糾紛、公司重整、合併及不動產等有領域有豐富之實務經驗,曾任華岡法學基金會董事長、文化大學法學院院長、法律系系主任暨法研所所長及文化大學推廣教育部教育長一職,並由國際諮詢專家協會(International Advisory Experts,IAE)頒發2020國際法律專家獎(International Law award winner in Taiwan)。 Tim Hsu starts his career as the attorney at law and patent agent since 1994, and commercial arbitrator since 1997. He has served in an international law firm located in Taipei with the headquarters in Switzerland. He also has served as an internship assistants for the Judge Kathianne Knaup in the United States Court of Appeals in Missouri. He not only has many years of professional practicing experience in domestic and international law, civil procedure law and private international law, but also teaches at Chinese Culture University as a law professor after he finished J.S.D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Besides, he has deep research and various experiences on the intellectual properties rights protection, corporate investments, cross-border trade disputes, labor law, corporate restructuring and mergers, etc. Currently, he is the dean of School of Continuing Education at Chinese Culture University. Before this, he had been the director of law department, and the dean of law school. He also had been successfully chosen as a winner of a 2020 International Law award by IAE (International Advisory Experts). |
專業資格 |
1994年加入台北律師公會 1994年專利代理人 1997年中華民國商務仲裁人 2015年中華不動產仲裁協會仲裁人 Taipei Bar Association Since 1994, Patent Agent (R.O.C.) Since 1994 Arbitrator (R.O.C.) Since 1997 Arbitration of Chinese Real Estate Arbitration Association, Since 2015 |
從業經驗 |
律師事務所於台北,1994年-2005年 Wenger & Vieli / 瑞士文斐律師事務所於北京、上海及台北,2006年-2008年 艾格峰律師事務所顧問,2008年-2009年 龐波國際法律事務所,2009年迄今 Associate, Law Firm in Taipei, 1994 -2005 Senior Associate, Wenger & Vieli Taipei Office, 2006 -2008 Of counsel, Eiger Law Firm, 2008 -2009 Washington Group and Associates, 2009- current |
工作語言 |
英文、中文、台語 English, Chinese(Mandarin), Taiwanese |
專業領域 |
公司法、商務及契約法、訴訟、仲裁、證券交易及投資法、智慧財產法、破產法、不動產法規、中國法 Corporate Law, Business and Contract Law, Civil Litigation, Arbitration, Securities Trading and Investment law, Intellectual Property Rights, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Chinese law |
其他資歷 |

教育背景 美國聖路易華盛頓大學法學博士 J.S.D., Washington University in St. Louis. 美國聖路易華盛頓大學新制度社會科學中心結業 Certificate, Center for New Institutional Social Science at Washington University in St. Louis. 美國印第安那大學布魯明頓校區法學碩士 L.L.M at Indiana University-Bloomington. 美國芝加哥大學Coase-Sander研究機構結業 Summer School in Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics at University of Chicago. Email:
TEL:(02)28610511*27133 |
教育背景 美國聖路易華盛頓大學法學博士 J.S.D., Washington University in St. Louis. 美國聖路易華盛頓大學新制度社會科學中心結業 Certificate, Center for New Institutional Social Science at Washington University in St. Louis. 美國印第安那大學布魯明頓校區法學碩士 L.L.M at Indiana University-Bloomington. 美國芝加哥大學Coase-Sander研究機構結業 Summer School in Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics at University of Chicago. Email:
TEL:(02)28610511*27133 |